Bacchus Marsh Primary School
Welcome to Grade 1

Our 2023 Grade 1 Teachers:

Michelle Visser

Michelle Visser

Grade 1 Leader
Allison Grant

Allison Grant

Michelle Parson

Michelle Parson

Aimee Walk

Aimee Walk



Students participate in Literacy (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Letters and Sounds, Handwriting and Speaking & Listening) and Numeracy daily.


  • Reading - In Grade One, students learn to read using the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Program. Students also participate in guided reading groups and oral presentations
  • Writing - In Grade One students focus on writing 5 star sentences as well as exploring various text types. Students also participate in Letters and Sounds and handwriting activities.
  • Numeracy - We aim to teach at student's points of need in the areas of: place value, addition, subtraction, counting and fractions. We also cover a range of measurement areas such as: length, shape, time, mass and capacity, as well as the concepts of statistics and probability.

Learning Goals

All students have individual goals for Reading, Writing and Mathematics which are reviewed and updated throughout the year.


Investigations is a play based learning program that we find is a great platform for students to continue their early years learning journey at BMPS. Students have many different areas of the classrooms that they can learn in and the activities in these areas come from our Learning Intentions. We then link these activities to our literacy and numeracy lessons throughout the school day. Investigations is also a great opportunity for teachers and students to focus on the whole child - developing their cognitive, social, language, emotional and physical aspect of learning.

Specialist Subjects

Art, Science, Music/Drama, Physical Education, LOTE and Kitchen.

Classroom teachers take library lessons.

Special Events

Term 2

  • Local Walk & History Day

Term 3

  • Serendip Sanctuary & Zoo That Comes To You

Term 4

  • City Experience


Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you would like to meet with them at any time throughout the year.