Our 2023 Grade 3 Teachers:
Brooke Gleeson
Janaya Walker
Anna Baxter
Nicole Fagan
Jan Hookey
Glenn Kennedy
Our Year Ahead
Reading - Students participate in a Fountas and Pinnell-based program. This incorporates a range of reading strategies which are framed around questioning beyond, within and about the text. The program sees students having one-on-one conferences with their teachers to set and monitor specific reading goals. These goals are communicated home (in reading diaries) and are displayed in classrooms. They are encouraged to be practised at home as well as at school.
Writing - Students are exposed to a range of purposeful writing tasks throughout the year including recounts, descriptions, narratives, expositions, procedures, information reports and letter writing. Goal setting with students allows us to target individual needs within the grade. Students are also focusing on the mechanics of writing including skills at a word, sentence, paragraph and whole text level.
Spelling - Students continue their work on the Oxford Most Used Words - it is expected that students can read and spell 300+ words by the end of the year. Furthermore, the Words Their Way spelling program is being continued which will see students participating in word study and spelling in groups which are individualised to their point of need.
We aim to teach at students’ points of need in the areas of: place value, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, counting & fractions. We also cover a range of measurement areas such as: length, time, mass, capacity, volume and area, as well as concepts of statistics and probability.
Positive Education
The school wide Pos. Ed. Program is a well renowned program aimed at providing students with the knowledge and skills to tackle a range of social situations in a positive way. Students are encouraged to use their individual character strengths and apply them to a range of learning and social settings.
Across the year students partake in a range of Inquiry topics; they are encouraged to research and present their findings in a range of different formats to their peers and teacher.
Portfolios provide students with opportunities to monitor and reflect on their learning and play an active part in setting goals to work on.
Celebration of Learning
Children have the chance to share their goals and achievements with their families at our Celebration of Learning Days in Terms 2 and 4.
Special Events
- Camp - the children embark on their school camp to Lady Northcote in Rowsley in Term 4.
- Excursions - To be announced. We endeavour, where possible, to give as much notice for excursions as we can!
If ever you need to contact us, please do not hesitate! We can easily arrange a time to meet or call with you and stress the importance of parents and teachers working together as a team to provide the best learning experiences for your child. Just remember there is no such thing as a silly question!