Our 2023 Grade 6 Teachers:

Jayde Clayton

Jodi Griffiths

Cristy Havelberg

Fiona Jonas

Scott Gillet
Our Year Ahead
The Grade Six Curriculum focuses on making sure your child is as prepared for secondary school as possible. Teachers ensure students are aware of the standards and routines expected in a secondary school setting to help them transition across to the next part of their school life. Students will have the opportunity to work on independent investigative inquiries, across all areas of the curriculum. In particular this year they will be involved in the Senior Science Fair, working independently, or as a part of a team, to produce a display for the fair.
An important part of the curriculum is the Inquiry Units covered throughout the year. Students have the opportunity to explore into new topics and ideas. The units covered are as follows;
- You Can Be Who You Want To Be – a leadership, resilience and problem solving unit which explores an individual’s own strengths and weaknesses.
- How Lucky Are We? – a unit based on our country’s geographical strengths and weaknesses. It also compares and looks at the strengths and weaknesses of countries globally.
- Who Governs Us? – a unit linked to our Grade Six Camp. This explores the Australian system of government and our political system
- World Leaders, for Good or Bad? – this unit studies how leadership of a country can affect a country's wealth, stability and harmony as a nation. Staying Safe – during Grade Six students briefly explore safe behaviours relating to drug use and relationships.
This year students participated in two Leadership Days. Tony Brookes a School Support worker from Ballarat, taught student goal setting strategies, brain memory, teamwork and ideas about leadership with all students in Grade Six.
Grade Six students participate in school sports each Friday. Sports include T-ball, Soccer, AFL, Newcombe and Netball. These are played against other local primary schools in a Summer Sports Round Robin Competition. Students also have the opportunity to compete at district and regional Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country events.