Bacchus Marsh Primary School

learning performing artsThe Performing Arts Program at BMPS is designed to enhance student understanding and enjoyment of the three areas of the Performing Arts – Music, Dance and Drama.

This is accomplished by building fundamental skills, including performance skills and audience skills, and by enhancing students’ awareness of the diversity of music, dance and drama available to them today throughout the globe. Students at all levels experience the Performing Arts through game play, theory and practice. They sing, play instruments, listen and respond, move, create, perform and also learn about the Performing Arts from other times and other cultures. Prep-Year 6 students work with a qualified Performing Arts specialist weekly.

Junior School Performing Arts Program (Years Prep - 3) Students in the Junior School focus on the fundamental elements of music, including rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, and timbre. We sing songs, tell stories using musical instruments, listen to a variety of musical styles, and play music games to build an understanding of what music is and how we can experience it. In drama, we explore the elements of character development by using our voice and bodies in different ways. Students use known stories and create their own stories to create simple scripts for performance. In dance, students experience this art form through free creative movement; and learned, improvised and devised dances. They explore the areas of locomotion, space, form and how to look after the body as a dancer.

Senior School Performing Arts Program (Years 4 - 6) In the Senior School we continue to build upon the fundamental skills learned in Junior School and incorporate more formal study of music literacy (how to read and write music), dance and drama. Students in Year 4 build their music literacy skills while learning to play the recorder and students in Year 5 learn to play the ukulele. They continue to develop their dance and drama skills, refining each art form in preparation for Year 6.

The culminating performance arts experience for BMPS students is the annual Year 6 Production, in which all Year 6 students participate. Students showcase the singing, dancing and acting skills which they have developed during their time at BMPS.

Extra-curricular Activities In addition to the classroom Performing Arts program, BMPS has a choir available to students from Years 2-6 and a Dance and Drama Club. Drama club runs on a Monday at lunchtime during Semester 1, and Dance Club runs on a Monday at lunchtime in Semester 2. Choir runs on a Tuesday at lunchtime in the Performing Arts room.

Private Instrumental and Singing Lessons Private tuition is available from the Performing ARTS Headquarters in Bacchus Marsh on a fee for service basis. (Please note that these lessons are not run by the school.)