Bacchus Marsh Primary School

learning physical educationAt B.M.P.S. we aim to provide your child with the motor skills necessary for participation in physical activity.

This includes promoting maximum participation, as well as understanding and appreciating the role that physical activity plays in the health of the individual and ultimately the community.

At the junior level, Prep - 2, emphasis is placed on the learning of basic movement patterns, which we build upon as your child progresses through their primary school years. These include activities that will develop catching, throwing, jumping, kicking, punting, dodging and striking. Minor and social games are also included at this level to encourage sharing and cooperation with others.

During grades 3-4 children are taught a broad range of transitional lead up motor skills required for modified team games. These skills are practised individually and then incorporated into game situations. As your child enters grade 5-6 these skills are refined and game tactics are also emphasised.

At B.M.P.S. we have three Physical Education teachers who are committed to offering your child the fundamental skills required for physical/motor development. Each session includes and encourages maximum participation. Age appropriate feedback is given throughout the lesson to assist students with their understanding of the skills/activities presented.


  • Grades Prep-6 participate in a 45 minutes session of Physical Education every week.
  • Grades 5-6 have an additional 45 minutes of SPORT which operates with a Physical Education teacher and Classroom Teachers from that level.
  • Grades 3-4 take part in a 45 minute Sport Education program each week.
  • Grade Prep are involved in a 5 day intensive swimming program in term 4.
  • Grade Six children participate in Summer and Winter District Sports.
  • Grades 4-6 have the opportunity to compete at an interschool level in Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country, after completing trials at an intra school level.
  • Grade 5 and 6 children are involved in a Golf program which concludes with a Golf Tournament during term 4 of their final year.
  • Grades Prep-2 participate in the Junior House Sports term 4.
  • Jump Rope For Heart skipping program, (supported by the Heart Foundation), is conducted across all grade levels every two years, and will next be held in September 2021.
  • Prep - Grade 2 Fundamental Skills Program.
  • Hot Shots Tennis Program with all year levels in Term 4.