Our 2023 Prep Teachers:

Vanessa Stainton
Prep S

Eleanor Price

Stephanie Ransome

Jonelle Barber

Natalie Hewish
- Reading - At the beginning of the year, we are learning all about print and how to read a book. Students will learn how to predict the story, understand the context of the book from the pictures and throughout the year progress to reading the words and being able to retell the events/information from the book
- Writing –We encourage all our students to have a go at writing. Whether they write a whole page or one word – we look at the use of capital letters, full stops and using the sounds when writing unknown words – it is all an accomplishment for our preps. Beginning in term 2, we begin to explicitly teach writing each letter of the alphabet as well as common words.
- Speaking and Listening –Speaking and listening covers more than just being able to talk in front of the class and sit and listen to the teacher. We have found that investigations really gives the students an opportunity to practice all aspects of speaking and listening. This includes – for their turn to speak, eye contact, tone of voice used, appropriate vocabulary, knowing rhyming words, first sounds in words and much, much more.
Working with numbers is an essential part of Maths and in Prep we like students to know all about the number, not just being able to recite the numbers in order, but knowing how to make that number, what comes before and after is just, how to write numerals and recognise the names of numbers are just a few examples. Preps will also learn about shapes in the environment, measurement, recording data and time.
Investigations is a Play Based Learning program that we find is a great platform for students to begin their learning journey at BMPS. Students have many different areas of the classrooms that they can learn in and the activities in these areas come from our Learning Intentions. We then link these activities to our literacy and numeracy lessons throughout the school day. Investigations is also a great opportunity for teachers and students to focus on the whole child – developing their cognitive, social, language, emotional and physical aspect of learning.
Helping your child at home
Our expectation is that the students read each night at home, while using the Homework Pack that supports our in class program 'Letters and Sounds'. Using these Homework Packs will help students with their learning, have a go at games such as matching letters to pictures that have that sound in it, finding other things in the home with that sound and listening to your child make connections with the sounds they are articulating.
If you ever need to contact us, please do not hesitate! We can easily arrange a suitable time to meet with you, and we stress the importance of parents and teachers working together as a team to provide the best learning experiences for your children.
Special Events
Term One
- Responsible Pets Incursion
- Teddy Bears Picnic
- Family Picnic/Info night
Term Two
- Bacchus Marsh Library Visit
- Avenue of Honour Walk to commemorate ANZAC Day
- Mother’s Day Bunnings Incursion
- 'We are going on a Bear Hunt' Performance Excursion
Term Three
- Father’s Day Bunnings Incursion
- Melbourne Zoo Excursion
Term Four
- Swimming Program