Bacchus Marsh Primary School

learning technologyThe Technologies provide a framework for students to learn how to create innovative solutions that meet current and future needs. Students are encouraged to make decisions about the development and use of technologies, considering the impacts of change and how they may contribute to a sustainable future. We provide opportunities for students to be users, designers and producers of new technologies.

In Design and Technologies, students use design thinking and apply their knowledge to generate and produce design solutions.

At BMPS, Digital Technology is a part of every classroom. Currently students have access to a computer lab, class sets of notebooks and class sets of iPads, all connected to a modern networked system that services all areas of the school.

Focus is given to the safe and ethical use of technology, creativity and design thinking. The systems and equipment are also used to support the learning outcomes of students in our literacy and numeracy programs.

All classrooms have interactive televisions or screens that assist in providing a wide range of learning opportunities. An additional tilt interactive television is available for use throughout the school. The school gym has a rear projection 150” screen installed for use during assemblies and school functions.

Thanks to our successful application to the Pick My Project scheme, based on community votes, BMPS has been able to develop a leading edge Makerspace for the school and broader community for all to dream, design, make and create. We have created 3 areas within the space. First, a 3D development/scanning/printing area followed by two purpose built design thinking tables anfinally a collaborative work space for break out groups to work together and design solutions to real world problems. The Makerspace was officially opened on the 19th of August, 2019, by our State MP, Mr Stephen McGhie, our Mayor, Mr Paul Tatchell and Principal, Ms Melinda Williams.

Our equipment ranges in difficulty from Beebots for our Foundation years through to Lego Mindstorms for our senior students. This equipment allows us to meet the needs of the students and curriculum, whilst also engaging and building creative and critical thinkers.