Bacchus Marsh Primary School

BMPS VisionOur vision is to develop self sustaining, lifelong learners in a recognised centre of educational excellence.

School Mission Statement

To provide in a nurturing environment, a quality education that challenges all students to attain their highest potential academically, socially, creatively and physically.

Values We are committed to the values of:

Respect. Respect is:- Caring about people and treating them well Valuing ourselves and others Speaking and acting with courtesy Taking care of people's belongings Following the school rules

Kindness. Kindness is:- Showing that you care Making life better for others by doing good Giving help to someone who is sad Accepting others who are different Thinking about people's needs

Learning. Learning is:- Gaining knowledge and skills Showing inspiration and creativity Doing the best job you can possibly do Having goals and a clear focus Listening, Purpose and Practice!

Teamwork. Teamwork is:- Working together Keep a safe and happy environment Cooperation and helping others Being a team player and sharing the load Respecting others

Integrity. Integrity is:- Standing up for what you believe in Doing the right thing when it's hard Willing to clean up your mistakes Living by your values Being honest and sincere

Consider Others Award 'Consider Others' is our school motto and we proudly promote this. Children, staff and parents are encouraged to nominate other students they see performing acts of 'Considering Others or Kindness'. We make this learning explicit so children clearly see what kindness is and that we reward these acts. This is our positive approach to ensuring we are a caring, considerate learning environment.