The Visual Arts program at Bacchus Marsh Primary School aims to provide students with the skills, techniques and processes needed to design and create a wide variety of artworks. Many activities are designed to support classroom thematic work and build upon the students' skills and knowledge and their appreciation of art.
Students have the opportunity to work individually and on group projects. They are encouraged to share and discuss their own work and that of their peers. Tasks are usually open-ended and assessment and reporting is on an individual basis. Students' artwork is displayed in the art room and in a variety of locations around the school.
Prep – Grade 2 students participate in weekly art lessons. Grade’s 3 – 6 attend a class fortnightly. A specialist art teacher provides an innovative and engaging program that includes:
- Painting
- Drawing
- Model Making
- Art Appreciation
- Printing
- Pottery
- Textiles
- Construction
Art work is displayed around the school, at local shopping centres and in community publications. Participation in relevant art competitions is actively encouraged and an annual school art exhibition provides students with the opportunity to share their work with their families and the wider community.